Creating A Logo
Creating a personal logo has been a complex soul searching
journey. I have researched personal logos in hopes of finding some inspiration,
but was lost in a sea of initials. I typed “creating a personal logo” into
Google, expecting some simple formula. I wanted Google to tell me what to
do. The Google search actually turned up
an article called “How to Construct a Personal Logo” from the site, I read that article from top to bottom and had no more of
an idea then when I started. Staring at the blank pages of my sketchbook, I
realized why I was having trouble. My personal logo should reflect me, my
passion, personality and ability. No article is going to be able to tell me who
I am or how to represent myself. I am a “home-made”, “personal touch” kind of
person. In 25 years, I have never bought a card from a store. Most of the
presents my friends and family have come to expect from me have been paintings
or mixed cds (complete with cover art). I believe that “home-made” and “one of
a kind” trump “ordinary” and “commonplace”. I want a logo that feels
“home-made”. I experimented with watercolors this week, watching how the layers
of color interacted with each other. I like how watercolors look free but
controlled at the same time. The colors don’t spread beyond the wet boundary
you set for them but within the boundary, they run free. This is similar to my
own personality. On the outside, I am calm and controlled. On the inside, my
mind goes off in different directions. I constantly have ideas flowing through
my mind. I also tried out a few different design concepts. I found myself
gravitating towards the number three. Many of my designs included three
circles. The three circles would represent me as an artist, designer and game
designer. More work needs to be done to figure out what logo is the right fit
for me but I feel like I am on the right track.
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